The Diamond Square Algorithm


Heightmaps Show

Noise Functions Show

Min-Max Normalization Show

2^n+1 Show

Midpoint Displacement in one dimension Show

Midpoint Displacement in two dimensions Show

The Diamond Square Algorithm


  • The diamond square algorithm allows us to generate 2D heightmaps that can be used for terrain generation.
  • It is an improvement on the 2D midpoint displacement algorithm, which can produce noticeable creases.


  1. We start by setting all the corners to the same random value:
  2. Then we set the center to be the average of the 4 corners + a random displacement. This is called the diamond step.
  3. And set the midpoint of each edge to be the average of its corner points + a random displacement. This is called the square step.
    • Some points are outside of the bounds of the heightmap. I.e. there is no point to the left of the left edge.
    • In this case, we wrap around to the other side of the heightmap: the point left of the left edge is the same as the point to the left of the right edge.
  4. Finally, we apply the above steps recursively, reducing the random displacement with each pass:

Code (Python)

import random
import numpy as np
from math import floor
from PIL import Image
from collections import deque

heightmapWidth = 65

# initialize the heightmap to 0's
heightmap = [[0]*heightmapWidth for i in range(heightmapWidth)]

# set the corner points to the same random value
rand = random.randint(0, 256)
heightmap[0][0] = rand
heightmap[heightmapWidth - 1][0] = rand
heightmap[0][heightmapWidth - 1] = rand
heightmap[heightmapWidth - 1][heightmapWidth - 1] = rand

# set the randomness bounds, higher values mean rougher landscapes
randomness = 128
tileWidth = heightmapWidth - 1

# we make a pass over the heightmap
# each time we decrease the side length by 2
while tileWidth > 1:
    halfSide = tileWidth // 2

    # set the diamond values (the centers of each tile)
    for x in range(0, heightmapWidth - 1, tileWidth):
        for y in range(0, heightmapWidth - 1, tileWidth):
            cornerSum = heightmap[x][y] + \
                        heightmap[x + tileWidth][y] + \
                        heightmap[x][y + tileWidth] + \
                        heightmap[x + tileWidth][y + tileWidth]

            avg = cornerSum / 4
            avg += random.randint(-randomness, randomness)

            heightmap[x + halfSide][y + halfSide] = avg

    # set the square values (the midpoints of the sides)
    for x in range(0, heightmapWidth - 1, halfSide):
        for y in range((x + halfSide) % tileWidth, heightmapWidth - 1, tileWidth):
            avg = heightmap[(x - halfSide + heightmapWidth - 1) % (heightmapWidth - 1)][y] + \
                  heightmap[(x + halfSide) % (heightmapWidth - 1)][y] + \
                  heightmap[x][(y + halfSide) % (heightmapWidth - 1)] + \
                  heightmap[x][(y - halfSide + heightmapWidth - 1) % (heightmapWidth - 1)]

            avg /= 4.0
            avg += random.randint(-randomness, randomness)

            heightmap[x][y] = avg

            # because the values wrap round, the left and right edges are equal, same with top and bottom
            if x == 0:
                heightmap[heightmapWidth - 1][y] = avg
            if y == 0:
                heightmap[x][heightmapWidth - 1] = avg

    # reduce the randomness in each pass, making sure it never gets to 0
    randomness = max(randomness // 2, 1)
    tileWidth //= 2