Strictly triangular systems of linear equations


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Strictly triangular systems of linear equations


  • A system of linear equations is strictly triangular if:
    • It is n x n, i.e. the number of equations is equal to the number of variables.
    • For equation k, the coefficients for x1 to xk - 1 are 0.
    • For equation k, the coefficient for xk is not 0.
    • For k in 1, ..., n
  • A 3x3 strictly triangular system has the form: a 3x3 generic strictly triangular system
  • Or as an augmented matrix: a strictly triangular system as an augmented matrix

Solving strictly triangular systems

  • Strictly triangular systems are very easy to solve.
  • For example: an example 3x3 strictly triangular system
  • From the 3rd equation, we know that: x3 = 2
  • So we can substitute this into the second equation: x2 = 3
  • And finally substitute x2 and x3 into our first equation: x1 = -4
  • This method of solving strictly triangular systems is called back-substitution.

Converting systems to be strictly triangular

  • If a system of equations has exactly one solution then it can be converted to a strictly triangular system.
  • For example, given the system: a system of equations
  • First, we convert it into an augmented martrix: the system as an augmented matrix
  • We start by eliminating the coefficients of x for all but the first row:
    • To do this, we subtract multiples of the 1st row from the other rows.
    • The row that is used for elimination is called the pivotal row.
    • We subtract the 1st row from the 2nd: augmented matrix after subtracting from the second row
    • And then we subtract 3 times the 1st row from the 3rd row: augmented matrix after subtracting from the third row
  • Finally we eliminate the coefficients of y from the 3rd row:
    • To do this, we use the 2nd row as our pivotal row.
    • We subtract 3 times the 2nd row from the 3rd row: augmented matrix in strictly triangular form

Choosing a pivotal row

  • Sometimes a system will be given like: an augmented matrix where the top left element is 0
    • In this case the first row can't be used as a pivotal row to eliminate the coefficients in the first column.
    • Instead, it is necessary to switch round the first two rows.