- In previous articles we have seen that we can multiply two matrices together to produce a third matrix.
- We have also seen that a vector is a special kind of matrix with only one row or column.
- A transformation matrix is a matrix that can be used to multiply a vector to produce a vector of the same size.
- By choosing the values in our matrix we can control how the vector is transformed.
- Let's start with the 2-dimensional vector:
- If we multiply it by a 2x2 matrix then we will get a vector which is also 2-dimensional:
- By choosing different values for our matrix we can transform the vector in different ways.
Identity Matrix
- If we choose an identity matrix as our transformation matrix then the output will equal the original vector:
Scaling Matrix
- If we want to scale a vector then we can multiply each component by a number:
Shearing Matrix
- Sometimes we want to slant our object:
- In this example, the slant is parallel to the x axis:
- x is offset by a function of y (the offset gets larger as y grows).
- y remains unchanged.
Rotation Matrix
- To rotate a point anti-clockwise around the origin we use the following equation:
- This can be converted to a matrix transformation:
- If we want to perform a clockwise rotation then we negate the matrix:
Translation Matrix
- Unfortunately it isn't possible define a matrix that translates a vector such as:
- However, if we extend our vector by 1 dimension:
and extend our transformation matrix by 1 row and 1 column:
Then our new vector will be:
- We can use the new e and f parameters of our matrix to translate our vector:
Affine Transformations
- As part of our definition of a translation matrix we:
- Extended the vector by 1 dimension
- This converted it from a euclidean coordinate into a homogeneous coordinate.
- Extended the transformation matrix by 1 row and 1 column
- This converted it from a linear transformation into an affine transformation.
- Extended the vector by 1 dimension
- Each of our transformations can be rewritten as affine transformations:
- Identity:
- Scaling:
- Shearing:
- Rotation (anti-clockwise):
- Translation:
- Identity:
Combining Transformations
- The true power of transformation matrices comes from their ability to be conbined.
- For example, if we want to translate and scale a vector then we can use:
- Or more generally, two transformation matrices can be combined into one by multiplying them:
Order of Transformations
- If we define a scaling matrix as:
- and a translation matrix as:
- then we can combine them in two different ways:
- The translation first, and then the scaling:
- The scale first, and then the translation (in scaled space):
- The order of the translations goes from right to left:
- if we have a transformation: T1T2T3
- T3 would be applied first, then T2, and finally T1.
- The translation first, and then the scaling:
Extending to 3D
- Extending to 3D is a simple case of defining a 4D vector:
- And a 4D transformation matrix:
- We can redefine each of our 2D transformations in 3D form:
- Identity:
- Scaling:
- Shearing:
- Rotation (around each axis):
- Translation:
- Identity: